
Monday, August 18, 2014

Spark --> Fire

I'm not much of a multitasker. When I write essays/do homework, I absolutely cannot listen to music. My problem, I think, lies in my attention to lyrics--I am just as likely to be captivated by a song with interesting lyrics as I am to interesting instrumentation. This is not to say that if a song has great lyrics, I can ignore poor instrumentation, or vice versa. The best songs have a solid balance between the two. But now I'm off on a tangent. The point is, lyrics draw my attention away from work, so I try not to combine the two.

Per the norm, creative writing deviates from my everyday practices. When I'm particularly blank, I use music to drive inspiration from whatever dank alcove in which it's managed to lodge itself. Over time (and thanks to websites like Grooveshark and Spotify, which allow me to indulge my penchant for organization, which some consider clinical) I've compiled a reliable list of songs to spark ideas. I call it my Writer's Un-Block (eloquent, I know), and I'm sharing it here on the off chance that aspects of it will similarly appeal to your muse. No particular order. Some have child-unfriendly language. I'm not going to explain why they work so well for me because 1) I'm not exactly sure how to answer that and 2) I don't want them to lose their power, over me and potentially over you.

1. Cardiac Arrest -- Bad Suns

2. The Cosmos -- Porches

3. The Way We Get By -- Spoon

4. I'm Into You -- Chet Faker

5. Rude Frindship (not a typo) -- Terror Pigeon Dance Revolt

6.  Hey Cool Kid -- The Cloud Nothings

7. Higher Love -- James Vincent McMorrow

8. Aminals -- Bath

9. Just A Song -- Girls

10. Dramamine -- Modest Mouse

11. How Come You Never Go There -- Feist

12. Metal & Dust -- London Grammar

13. Sleeping Ute -- Grizzly Bear

14. Dystopia (The Earth is on Fire) -- YACHT

15.  Kites -- Geographer

16. Run Run Run -- Phoenix

17. Avocado, Baby -- Los Campesinos!

18. What Death Leaves Behind -- Los Campesinos!

19. Candles -- Daughter

20. Breezeblocks -- alt-J

21. It's Around You -- ANR

22. Default -- Django Django

23. Petition -- Tennis

24. Origins -- Tennis

25. American Daydream -- Electric Guest

26. Good to Sea -- Pinback

27. Hero -- Family of the Year

28. Every Single Night -- Fiona Apple

29. Better Off -- Haim

30. Posters -- Youth Lagoon

I'll work on compiling these into a neat little Spotify playlist for your listening convenience in the next couple of days. Additions? Comment. I'm always tweaking.

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